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General file compression (zip/stuffit/rar)

It is important that anything placed on the FTP server or similiar is compressed. Otherwise, files run the risk of corrupting and take too much space. Zip is generally better than StuffIt as with Zip you don’t need to worry about which version of OS you have. Once you have downloaded files, please delete them from the FTP server so as to keep the server clear and to avoid confusion.

Tip: Aim for a maximum file size of approximately 50-75MB to aid up/downloading. If you are copying lots of files, make them into numerous small batches rather than an individual big one.


  1. Highlight the folder or file/s you want to zip in small batches.
  2. Right click or Ctrl click mouse and choose “Create Archive” or “Compress” depending which version of OS X you are using. (This will give a zip with a filename or say “Archive” if it contains more than 1 file).
  3. Rename zip file to something relevant, using the naming convention (see this document for more details).
  4. Place in correct folder on the FTP server. Note: The FTP server is cleaned up by our IT department on a monthly basis and empty and unused folders might get deleted, so if you find that your folders have disappeared, simply recreate them. Finally, please remember that the FTP server is not to be used for storage.